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Archery with bow and arrow
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This place provides archery activity in a wonderful and enjoyable atmosphere. There is a trainer for the activity.

Book in advance
Starting from $100.00
What to expect
-Talents and experts can practice this activity in this wonderful place -Beginners can train here with trainers specialized in this activity -You can compete between groups in this activity.
Know before you go
Wear appropriate clothing for the activity - when the ticket holder attends this activity, he must report any chronic back pain or other pain in the bones or muscles, or any other health problems.
The beauty of the place lies in the fact that it is a farm and stable in the area (Al-Ammaria: a place that combines the desert environment and the green farm environment). Here, beginners can learn to shoot a bow and arrow, or professionals can practice this activity freely
What's included
The tour is determined according to the duration
The ticket holder for this activity must sign the activity instruction sheet and disclaimer
Practicing this activity for beginners will be under the supervision of specialized trainers and their instructions must be followed. As for professionals, there will only be supervisors to monitor performance and public safety
This place provides all the tools and equipment necessary to practice this activity
What's not included
Provider Name:
Ramah Equestrian
The area
Meeting point:
Ramah Equestrian, العمارية, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Ramah Equestrian, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Book in advance
Starting from $100.00
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