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Honfleur City Exploration Game and Tour on your Phone
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You’re looking for a fun way to explore the city at your own pace? Then, this city-exploration game is made for you! You’ll entertain all your group with interesting questions, while still teaching them fun facts about the city. Your mission (should you choose to accept it): Jackson Wilde, the famous city-explorer, needs your help… Help him solve quizzes to gather as many points as possible. With this activity, you will be guided through the following 8 locations: St. Leonard Catholic Church, Old Saint-Etienne Church, Lieutenance, St. Catherine's Church, Chapel of Our Lady of Grace, Satie Houses, Lighthouse, and Jardin des Personnalités. Download the app on Android or iOS (or access it d...
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ما تشمله الجولة
City-discovery activity on your phone (Android & iOS apps, or on your browser)
Quizzes and guides with info about each monument
Available in: English, French, German & Spanish
A personal guide (this activity is accessible on your smartphone)
This is not an audio tour
Entrance tickets to monuments not included
نقاط التلاقي
Église catholique Saint-Léonard

Start your tour at the St. Leonard Church (1st station) or wherever you like.
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هل تحتاج إلى المساعدة؟
برنامج الجولة
Ancienne église Saint-Étienne
The Old Church of Saint Stephen, is one of the oldest buildings in Honfleur. It dates back to the 14th century.
15 minutes
La Lieutenance-honfleur
La Lieutenance is one of the oldest and most historically significant buildings in Honfleur. It dates back to the 16th century and has been an important part of the town's history. It served as the residence of the King's Lieutenant, who was the representative of royal authority in the region.
15 minutes
Église Sainte Catherine
Saint Catherine's Church is renowned for being the largest wooden church in France with a separate wooden bell tower. It is constructed entirely of wood, which is unusual for a church of its size and age. The use of wood reflects the town's maritime heritage.
15 minutes
Chapelle Notre Dame de Grace
The Chapelle Notre-Dame de Grâce has strong ties to the maritime history of Honfleur. It has traditionally been a place of pilgrimage for sailors and fishermen who come to give thanks for safe voyages and to seek blessings for future journeys.
15 minutes
Satie House and Museum (Maisons Satie)
Maisons Satie is dedicated to the life and works of Erik Satie, the famous French composer and pianist who was born in Honfleur in 1866.
15 minutes
Phare de Honfleur
The Vieux Phare de Honfleur is one of the oldest lighthouses in the region, dating back to the 18th century. It was constructed in 1775 to guide ships safely into the port of Honfleur.
15 minutes
Le Jardin des Personnalités
The garden is dedicated to honoring notable personalities who have had a significant connection to Honfleur. This includes artists, writers, musicians, explorers, and other influential figures.
15 minutes
المعلومات المهمة
Service animals allowed
Suitable for all physical fitness levels
سياسة الإلغاء
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
لاسترداد المبلغ بالكامل، يجب الإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة على الأقل من موعد بدء التجربة.
يُعرض وقت انتهاء الحجوزات بالتوقيت المحلي.
إذا قمت بالإلغاء قبل أقل من 24 ساعة من وقت بدء الجولة، فلن تتمكّن من استرداد المبلغ الذي دفعته.
لإجراء هذه الجولة، يجب توافر حدّ أدنى من المسافرين. إذا تم إلغاؤها بسبب عدم استيفاء الحد الأدنى، فسوف يُعرض عليك إمكانية اختيار تاريخ/تجربة مختلفة أو استرداد المبلغ بالكامل.
لن يتم قبول أي تغييرات تجريها قبل أقل من 24 ساعة من وقت بدء الجولة.
اصبح موجهنا المحلي
هل أنت جاهز لتحويل هواياتك إلى فرصة عمل؟