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Discover our curated itinerariesOur experiences are organized itineraries carefully curated by our team of lokal heroes. They include some of the best local stops to be enjoyed in a planned order throughout a day, for you to make the best out of every moment in Fujairah.
The Go-with-the-Flow Experience
Local experience
Fullday By Car
4 StopsThe Go-with-the-Flow ExperienceFor easy-going travelers who love relaxing getaways!
See itinerary
Family's Day Out!
Family Experience
Halfday By Car
3 StopsFamily's Day Out!3 different stops, countless pleasures!
A Fine Day in Fujairah!
Discovery Experience
Fullday By Car
4 StopsA Fine Day in Fujairah!A bit of culture, a bit of nature and a lot of good times!
Go Back in Time!
History Experience
Fullday By Car
5 StopsGo Back in Time!History enthusiasts will be served with this 5-hour history trail!
The Heritage Trail
Cultural experience
Halfday By Car
4 StopsThe Heritage TrailA great option for culture lovers looking for a crash course on Fujairah’s history!
Get on the Wild Side!
Adventure Experience
Halfday By Car
3 StopsGet on the Wild Side!Here's the ultimate adventure trail in Fujairah!